For vape connoisseurs who simply want the very best portable, dual-use vaporizer. DaVinci’s most advanced dry herb vaporizer, The IQ2, provides a cooler vapor, ultimate flavor profile, and precision temperature control at your fingertips. The IQ2 vaporizer empowers you to customize your airflow, plus track and report your vape dose per draw and per session. The extensive battery life also allows you to enjoy your IQ2 on the go.
Includes: IQ2 dual-use dry herb vaporizer, 10mm Bubbler Adapter, 0.2g Dosage Pod, 9 Pieces Organic Cottons, 1 Ceramic Extract Tab, USB Charging Cable, Pick Tool, 9 Alcohol Wipes
FEATURES- 35% More Air Holes Than Predecessor
- Dosage Pod Included
- Air Dial With 5 Airflow Levels
- Ceramic Zirconia Vapor Path
- Glass-Lined Oven
- Adjustable Oven Size
- Heat-Not-Burn Conduction
- Bluetooth Smartphone Integration
- Smart Path Technology
- 60-Second Heat-Up Time
- Removable & Rechargeable 18650 Battery
- Brushed Aluminum Shell