A multi-purpose vaporizer unlike any other that lets you “fill it up and tip it back” in your session for a completely unique experience.
Loov is the newest vaporizer from Randy’s, offering a session unlike any you’ve ever experienced. With Loov, you can fill the glass beaker with vapor and tip it back as much or as little as you prefer. Combining innovation with an industry-leading coil, you will experience a robust and smooth session, and you can share with friends to get the party started. With it’s elegant, detailed mid-century modern design, your Loov can stand on its own as a center piece in your everyday décor.
Battery mAh: 1600 mAh
Battery Charge Time: 1.5-2 Hours
Voltage Range: 2.5v - 4.0v
What's Included in the Kit: Loov Vaporizer, Silicone Diffuser and Silicone Cap, 2 Atomizers, USB-C Charger, Poker, Brush, 5 Q-Tips, User Manual